“I have loved everything in our Africa.”
“I have loved everything in our Africa, her past, her future, her sunshine, her mountains, her skies, the vast horizons of her deserts, the deep blue waves that bathe her shores.” Charles Lavigerie “Love the peoples to whom you are sent” Charles Lavigerie
This is a gratuitous gift…
“The gift of a religious vocation is a wholly gratuitous gift on Gods’ part, and a miracle of his mercy.” Mother Marie-Salomé Each of us, at one time in her life, experience the Love of God in a special way. Something simple yet wonderful happens to us. This is a totaly gratuitous gift… Someone Divine touches us profoundly and our life is changed ! Jesus Christ becomes for us an irreplaceable friend. He reveals the face of God to us, full of love and tenderness. Conséquently, we have only one desire : to live for him and make him known to other peoples. The God revealed to us by Jesus knows no frontiers : his Salvation is for all. Our free response to the call received is shown by following Jesus in obedience, chastity and poverty for the coming of God’s Kingdom. It is our particular way of living our…