“People do not need sad sisters because they are experiencing enough sadness but they need sisters who are loving, joyful and enthusiastic and this is what we are called to be. He further said that Jesus is not interested in sisters who look good and smart but he is interested in sisters who bear fruits which are juicy and sweet, a call for us again to bear such kind of fruits.”
When the three of us shared our novitiate experience, we found out that our experience is almost the same, “ENCOUNTERING GOD WHO IS LOVE”. Though in different ways, we all have encountered a God who loves us and accepts us the way we are and whose love has sustained us since we were born up to today. Because of this, we felt that our profession would be a response to the love of God that he has offered to us and also our response to his yes for our lives “As the Father loves me so I also love you, remain in my love” ( Jn 15:9) and so, the theme of the feast was to celebrate God’s love.
We were moved by the big number of MSOLA who came, we did not expect all of them. The way our sisters collaborated and worked hard in preparation for the feast was great! We felt supported, accepted and welcomed in the Congregation. Also the presence of many priests and religious from different congregations filled us with joy.
It was a blessing for us to pronounce our vows on the feast of Our Lady of Africa. We felt close to Mary the intercessor of our Congregation, and for the three of us, this will always be a very important day in our life history.
We were also blessed by the presence of Sr. Harriet Kabaije, one of ECA Entity leaders who received our vows.
The Jesuit Novices formed a beautiful choir that made the Eucharistic celebration lively, we sang, danced, clapped and made shouts of joy to God for his love towards us. It was really a moment of celebration!
Many parishioners, neighbors and friends attended the feast. Their presence was a joy for us and a sign of our good relationship with them. At the end of the feast, most of the people wanted to have a photo with the newly professed sisters and we could see their joy expressed by smiling faces, laughing, cracking jokes and singing traditional songs especially Massai songs. We thank God for his love and for the gift of consecrated life to us and we thank all of you for your love and support that you have shown us. We pray for God’s grace to live faithfully what we have professed.
Sr. Jane Francis Namaganda, Sr. Anna Nduku Muia
and Sr. Redempta Kabahweza