To give the best of ourselves
We are six sisters in Málaga. Each one, according to our possibilities answers the calls we see in our environment and in line with the charism of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa. We strive to give the best of ourselves so that the Kingdom of God might grow. Lola and Juanita go to visit the homeless gathered in a Caritas house. They are happy to be able to meet these people and show interest in their lives. Féli gives Spanish lessons to immigrant women in a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. She is happy to share her faith above all through her witness. Carmen serves in an Oxfam Intermom which struggles for justice and universal rights. Josepha deals with immigrants, with the sick and she participates in the work of Caritas in the parish. As for me I work in the General Services of…
YCAT in Tunisia, summer session
Young Christian Africans in Tunisia [YCAT]. “YCAT-2015” gathers together sub-Saharan Christian students in the different cities of Tunisia. Throughout the year they come together to reflect, to pray, to enjoy. In Tunis, Sisters Thérèse and Elodie are regular participants. From June 25 to 29, they lived the summer session with forty students from different parts of the country. A biblical session, a conference on emotional life, outings, games on the beach and festive evenings all helped to make these gatherings very special.