“Breaking down the Wall of Women’s Silence: More and more African women are realizing that it is time to put an end to just lamenting their sad lot.
However, we know these women are still in a minority in the places where important decisions are made. In this case, either they cannot express themselves sufficiently, or they keep quiet altogether… African women must get together to centre their spirituality on resisting all forms of violence against them.
With regard to religious, everything must be done to form liberated women, truly African, truly religious and truly missionary… The African woman is beginning to conquer and will overcome violence, in the measure that she emerges from ignorance and silence; when she is capable of being responsible for herself financially and when she is present in decision-making.”
Extract of an article by Mrs. Bernadette Mbuy Beya, member of the Circle of African Women Theologians, published in the UISG Bulletin, n° 121.