« Calor y Café », in Málaga
“CALOR Y CAFÉ” The new born of CÁRITAS MÁLAGA To testify that Love breaks all the barriers: Idolatry of money, an economy that kills, selfishness which seeks only to enrich itself at any cost : two homes for the homeless. “Pozo Dulce”, a home for the homeless : During the jubilee year 2000 a home for the homeless was born: “Pozo Dulce” which gives shelter to 55 residents. “Calor y Café” is also the fruit of another jubilee year: the Year of Mercy. Both centers were created to address the big problem of people who live on the streets. “Calor y Café” and “Pozo Dulce” are signs of mercy. Several volunteers have offered to make these places real welcoming homes. The people who live on the street do not do it because they want it, but because of various unfortunate circumstances in their lives. The personalized support given to…