You who want to follow Christ,
Come as you are, whatever your motivation, your story. He is there, He walks by our side and goes with us. Whatever difficulties you encounter, open your mind to Him and let Him lead you, even if it is sometimes difficult to understand. Do not be discouraged, however hard and long the way may be. He alone, in his own time.
I come from a Christian family.
I lost my parents very early.
There was a neighbor who questioned her children saying,
“Why do you behave like children who have no parents? ”
This word disgusted me, and placing myself among her children, I understood that it was we who were behaving badly.
In my parish there were sisters of the Daughters of the Resurrection.
I saw them as those who behave well.
I felt inspired by religious life and wanted to be like them.
When for the first time I met
The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa
I was touched by the desire of Cardinal Lavigerie
To “fight against slavery”
and by the love our first sisters had for Africa.
Leaving their country, some died en route
with their desire to witness to the love of Christ.
One day, while praying the Beatitudes,
this word really bothered me:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
the kingdom of heaven is theirs ”
I understood that I am poor
and that I need Him
for all I will have to undertake.
Recognizing my poverty,
I entrusted it to him
and I let myself be led by Him.
I then realized
that He is the One who gives true peace.
This is the Story of my vocation,