The 2017 General Chapter, 8-15 July
15 July : A new General Council : The new General Council: Sr Juliana Karomba, Tanzania Sr Carmen Sammut, Malte,Superior General Sr Mapendo Masirika Annonciata, D.R.. Congo Sr Maria del Carmen Ocón Moreno, Spain 13th July: Sr Carmen Sammut, elected for a second mandate, as Superior General. We give thanks to God ! Let us pray for her ! Sr Carmen Sammut’s homily – April 30, 2016 Sr Carmen Sammut, Synod on the Family, week 3 Sr Carmen Sammut, Synod on the Family, week 2 Interview with Sr Carmen Sammut Sister Carmen Sammut, Synod on the Family URGENT appeal for the EARTH of Sister Carmen Sammut 12th July: Prepared for a day of election: The decoration in the Chapel with Our Lady of Africa and Mother Marie Salome. Let us pray with Our Lady of Africa and with All the Saints of Africa 11th July : The Source…