- 15 July : A new General Council :
The new General Council:
Sr Juliana Karomba, Tanzania
Sr Carmen Sammut, Malte,Superior General
Sr Mapendo Masirika Annonciata, D.R.. Congo
Sr Maria del Carmen Ocón Moreno, Spain - 13th July: Sr Carmen Sammut, elected for a second mandate, as Superior General.
12th July: Prepared for a day of election:
The decoration in the Chapel with Our Lady of Africa and Mother Marie Salome.
Let us pray with Our Lady of Africaand with All the Saints of Africa |
11th July : The Source that flows in us
10th July: A creative prayer on the theme of unity in diversity. A jigsaw puzzle :
8th July: Meeting with the Comunità di Sant’Egidiole
Our meeting took place in the “Hall of Peace”, detail of a painting
The painting represents the vision of Isaiah; in this Hall the peace agreement for Mozambique has been signed.