Daily Archives: October 5, 2017


The story tells how MSOLA – Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa- keeps close to her heart the cause of the woman in the world; she wants to make a difference in the life of the one who brings to life; the one who carries life in a secret place and brings it as a gift to this world; male and female; slave and task master; rich and poor, king and prince. MSOLA cares for humanity because the woman she cares for is at the center of human life. On her mission to serve the woman, MSOLA knows no boundaries. The mountains so high, the ocean so deep, the wilderness so dense would not prevent her from responding to the cry of a woman in despair. In this amazing story, our unsung HERO “MSOLA” has brought a special touch to the lives of vulnerable mothers and their babies in…

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2017 Juniorat group with animators

Preparation for the final vows with sisters Vickness Muleya, Marie-Ange Ndayishimiye, Franceline Hien, Linah Siabana,Thérèse Namakoma Nyarukanyi and animators sisters Ingrid Hager and Hélène Mbuyamba   The Well is a symbol for Community. It is often located at the center of the Community where everyone has access. From the Well, the community draws water, which sustains its life. In the olden days, the Well represented all the social resources of the community that were necessary to endure and thrive. This well for us represents the word of God, which invites us to listen to Jesus speaking, through events, formators, facilitators and many other people we encounter. It represents all that we are going to live during this period of this juniorate; all that allows us to rediscover and nurture the source of life within us. This well challenges us to live the values of openness (receiving and giving) to life…

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