MSOLA network Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation – Encounter and Dialogue
MSOLA in the JPIC-RD network Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation – Encounter and Dialogue The JPIC network of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa was created in 2011 to help the sisters integrate the dimension of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) into all their apostolic commitments. The network helps to intensify the sisters’ commitment to the service of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation and make it the “common thread” that runs through all their missionary commitment. The network promotes communication and collaboration on JPIC issues at all levels of the congregation. In 2015 the JPIC Network also includes the dimension of Encounter and Dialogue with other religions and cultures, which has been lived in the congregation since the beginning and is an essential aspect of our charism. At our 2011 Chapter we reaffirmed that called to be ‘all things to all people, for…