MSOLA in the JPIC-RD network Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation – Encounter and Dialogue
The JPIC network of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa was created in 2011 to help the sisters integrate the dimension of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) into all their apostolic commitments.
The network helps to intensify the sisters’ commitment to the service of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation and make it the “common thread” that runs through all their missionary commitment.
The network promotes communication and collaboration on JPIC issues at all levels of the congregation.
In 2015 the JPIC Network also includes the dimension of Encounter and Dialogue with other religions and cultures, which has been lived in the congregation since the beginning and is an essential aspect of our charism.
At our 2011 Chapter we reaffirmed that called to be ‘all things to all people, for all things to God’, we support the efforts of people and join them in building the ‘Common Home’ dreamed of by the Creator, where a more just, peaceful, compassionate and ecological global citizenship emerges.
We feel the urgent need to integrate the dimension of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) into all our apostolic commitments. In this way, we want to express our solidarity with all humanity and participate in the advent of this reconciled Creation that Christ is leading towards its fulfilment.
We want to give all our MSOLA commitments an educational dimension so as to promote in the people we work with a sense of global citizenship and their ability to contribute to the birth of a reconciled humanity. He also invited us to
- live reconciliation within ourselves and among ourselves, with a view to promoting reconciliation in Creation.
- Open ourselves with respect to the phenomenon of the multiplicity of religions and beliefs, and continue the dialogue with Islam and traditional religions.
- Be open to migrants and refugees, whose numbers continue to grow and whose situations and needs vary greatly depending on the context. Listening to them, becoming aware of their realities and the problems they face, and promoting their integration wherever possible.
- Use the tools already available in the JPIC field. Join existing Justice and Peace commissions in local churches. Enter into partnership with organisations fighting for a just world.
In this way, we want to express our solidarity with all humanity and participate in the advent of this reconciled Creation that Christ is bringing to fulfilment.
Begoña Iñarra