Daily Archives: September 9, 2020


  MALINDI IS A CITY LOCATED 120 KM FROM MOMBASA (KENYA). With its salt pans, unpaid workers and growing Chinese population, it is booming. Today it has 18 parishes with 38 priests including 14 diocesan, 2 Fidei Donum, 64 Sisters, 22 Religious and 11 seminarians. Located on the Indian Ocean coast, Malindi is heavily affected by human trafficking, a new form of slavery. Also, our primary conviction is that education is an important factor in eradicating this phenomenon, and in supporting victims. Admittedly, microfinance projects already contribute to raising the standard of living of this population, but a global approach is also necessary to achieve this goal. The Catholic Church and the other religions have undertaken to collaborate in this, in particular through the Centre: “Pope Francis Rescue Center”, which already exists in Malindi. THE MOTTO OF THE RESCUE CENTER IS: “TO LOVE AND SERVE”.Officially opened on July 21, 2015,…

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