A testimony from the Juniorate of 2021-2022
The Juniorate is a time of discernment that novices spend in the General House in Rome. In these five months, they follow the formation of preparation for the final vows.
“Taste and see how good is the Lord.”
Our Juniorate project was marked by the symbol of a tree rooted in the African world. By its roots it is oriented towards the source from which it receives life. We expressed our desire to be rooted in Christ, our source. We desire to live this time well and take advantage of our growth in order to better commit ourselves to the mission. This desire accompanied us during our journey, and allowed us to receive and taste the fruits of our various experiences.
Indeed, this stage of the Juniorate allowed us to be away from all our apostolic and community activities, with a view to deepening our relationship with Christ and our consecration to Him. In the light of the Holy Spirit, we deepened our MSOLA charism and spirituality. Some of our sisters and two of our brothers, the Missionaries of Africa gave us various sessions that revived our missionary spirit in a concrete way in line with our four orientations.
We ended our program with the experience of a 30-day retreat. There, each of us experienced the Lord’s presence, his fidelity and his love. We say with Mary: “The Lord has done marvels for me; Holy is his name and his faithfulness extends from age to age for those who fear him.” Luke 1:49-50.
From your sisters Amani, Mediator, Scholastique, Priscille and Pascaline
Extract from an article on Sharing Trenta Aprile N° 1-2022