Presentation on Integral Ecology
Sr. Francine Maas, Winooski community (USA) On May 17, 2022, I gave a presentation, on Integral Ecology, to some of the staff members of Our Lady of Providence (OLP) Residential Care Home, in which our community resides. Last November, our nursing director asked me if I could help the staff learn about the importance of recycling, etc. Right away, I agreed to this request if it would be for the springtime. This delay was providential as in the meantime Sr. Begoña sent us more information on Integral Ecology and Ecological Conversion. This information helped me tremendously as this was my very first experience in doing something like this. Begoña sent me her PowerPoint on Integral Ecology and the video on Ecological Conversion agreeing that I would adapt the material to fit our multicultural and multi-religious staff. Working with the PowerPoint I learned a lot and had fun in the process,…