Since July, two “Laudato Si” circles have begun to sprout in our community, one for adults and one for young people.
The beginning is weak and humble. We do not yet see the path clearly but moved by our conviction “… that Africa has an important contribution to make to the world, we choose to participate in making it a reality” (excerpt from the MSOLA’s raison d’être), and trusting in God, we launched the call. The response was a nice surprise, people came. The young people asked to meet every two weeks and the adults once a month.
The young people came on the 21st and the adults on the 27th of August.
We are nourishing the ‘listening to creation’ with the resources from our congregation and different organisations, in a special way with the letter of Pope Francis for the time of creation and the Encyclical “Laudato Si”. In the participants we perceive enthusiasm and the desire to do something good for the care of the environment.
As a community, we are in a process of discernment to see how we can collaborate more among ourselves and with our sisters in the St Julian community to respond to these new calls.
All of this challenges us, and it is exciting to set out as brothers and sisters on an equal footing to listen and to discern together the way forward in caring for our common home and for our brothers and sisters in need.
We entrust to your prayers these seeds of new life so that they may grow and bear good fruit.
Sr. Leticia Garduño, Ouagadougou Community (Burkina Faso)