Daily Archives: March 14, 2023

  In the photo the aspirants with Sr Helene on the left and Sr Anociata on the right Here is the report of a three-day session for aspirants in Kinshasa. There were four aspirants, three of whom will be presented to begin their pre-postulancy in Goma. This session brought a lot of joy to the aspirants and to us sisters because the aspirants participated actively during the session. We are grateful to our sister Hélène Kavula who accepted to animate this meeting during her home leave. For this session, we chose the theme of “discernment” in order to help our candidates discern their vocation better, before making the decision to put everything in God’s hands by handing over their documents to be studied before admission or a re-orientation. We began the session with some time for getting to know each other: we stood in a circle in our television room…

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