A time of Grace – Juniorate 2022 – 2023
Picture taken at the end of the closing Eucharist: the juniors with Sr. Carmen Sammut, Superior General and the animators of that formation period. From left to right: Srs Mapendo Masirika (animatrice), Carmen, Béatrice Badini, Redempta Kabahweza, Aurélie Dushime, Maamalifar Poreku (animatrice). At the end of the juniorate which was held in Rome from September 2022 to February 2023, we, the juniors Aurélie, Béatrice and Redempta, want to express our gratitude and appreciation for this time of grace that the congregation has given us. We are grateful to God the Father for all the graces received. We borrow the words of the psalmist “How shall I render to the Lord all the good he has done me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord” (Ps 116:12-13). The facilitators of the sessions spared no effort to accompany us. The sessions have…