“Updating” our Consitutions
Sr. Suzy Hadermann, from Belgium share with us her experience of the Chapter of 1981. It was the Chapter which responded to the desire of the Church (expressed by the Second Vatican Council) to see that Congregations rewrite their Constitutions, “updating” them (“aggiornamento” in Italian). The 1981 Chapter was therefore devoted mainly to this task, which is very important since it was a question of saying again what we want to live, how we feel the Lord is calling us to participate in his Mission. Two aspects in particular touched me during this chapter: – Our Constitutions are the fruit of the participation of all the sisters of the Congregation – The Spirit accompanied us and worked with us throughout this process The participation of all the sisters: The work to rewrite our Constitutions began several years before the Chapter. We were all invited to re-own our charism…