The prayer of the day put the capitulants in an atmosphere of listening, calling them to listen to the inner source that speaks of love and to the Spirit of God guiding them on the way to transformation.
During prayer each person received a seed of an oak tree at different stages. Some seeds were just the oak acorn, hard and whole. Others already had some cracks; others had sprouted and several had a few leaves and roots. There was a moment to contemplate the seed received, seeing how the seed had to be broken open and destroyed to be transformed into a tree. The seed reminded us that it is only in the dark and humidity of the soil that the process of transformation to become a tree may happen; and how the inner strength of this small seed is able to break the hard shell to make way to search for the light and the air of the atmosphere that the leaves need for photosynthesis; or the depth and darkness of the soil to deepen the roots, that will find the necessary food for the growth of the tree. Both elements, roots and leaves are necessary to keep the tree alive and growing.
Having seen yesterday evening the themes chosen to discuss during the chapter, the working groups started by working on the theme of Spirituality.
Fr. Dave invited us to trust God: As Jesus told the apostles just before his passion “let not your hearts be troubled”, Jesus invites us today to trust him. To trust in Jesus is to believe that even in the most difficult moments, God accompanies us. God is there, in the reality of our life, even if our life is not perfect. Jesus is with us in the boat when the strong winds risk to tip the boat over.
Emmanuel, God-with-us, accompanies us even in the most difficult moments and calls us to trust him, because Jesus has conquered death.