Days 20 and 21 – Transformed people transform other people
On the 20th day of the chapter the prayer was centred on listening to the source within us that tells us to love, a living water that becomes a river that takes us to the ocean… to a land that awaits to become the temple of a God who makes himself present. A presentation of Masaru Emoto on Crystals of water showed us how everything we do and think, even the words and the manner in which they are spoken, influence those around us and the milieu…. This affirms the importance of living a deep spirituality and having loving attitudes, to generate positive energy. I can be love or destruction, the choice is mine! If a “thank you” changes a molecule of water, imagine what prayer, love, brotherhood, courage, and friendship can do around us and in the world. I have the power to change the situation. “It all…