Dare to dream of a new creation!
This is the Letter of the General Council on the 154th anniversary of the birth of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Our Lady of Africa. Rome, 8th September 2023 Ladies! If it’s just us to get started, it’ll be lovely! Dare to dream of a new creation! Dear Sisters, Happy feast day of the birth of our Lady and our Congregation! From the very beginning our Congregation has been on a journey of transformation within itself and within the Church. Our first heroic Sisters from Brittany, responding to the call of Cardinal Lavigerie, embarked on an adventure…
Life is beautiful! Let’s live it.
The community of Nouakchott reports on a joyful occasion: The summer camp From July 10 to 27, Sister Elyse Uwanyirigira and her team organized three weeks of activities for the children of the Maison du Quartier and for those studying in other schools. What is unique to this colony is the number of children enrolled: 78! Other children kept knocking on the door after a week of activities, but the limit was reached: sorry, what to do? The supervisors consulted each other and decided to welcome them anyway, because even if they said “no”, a young girl had already said that she was going to sit next to the others and watch what they were doing instead of going home. Three volunteer supervisors, including a retired doctor and a student from the Lycée Français who came with her friend, showed up to lend a hand. Two people passing through…