Daily Archives: May 31, 2024

MSOLA SMNDA missionary sisters Africa sœurs missionnaires Afrique

Our Sister Justine gave a lesson on the qualities of good leaders   In our Diocese of Moundou, all Christians go on a retreat in the bush every year during Lent. It is a time of contemplation and reconciliation awaiting the joy of Easter. At Notre Dame de la Trinité High School with all the students, we went to devote this time to prayer. The theme of this year is “People of God of the diocese of Moundou, let us work together for our Liberation”. This theme aim to see together what makes the population slaves and what oppresses them. These are among others: conflicts between farmers and breeders, lack of cooperation, lack of charity for one’s neighbor and betrayal. Together teachers and students, we have seen that for this liberation to be effective, we need solidarity, love for each other, transparency, mutual aid and always be guided by the…

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