(3rd on the 1st row from left)
Greetings from South B community. May the Risen Lord Jesus Christ who is our Good Shepherd be with you.
We would like to share with you our experiences of Vocation Sunday with the vocation group at South B parish (Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish).
As we have been journeying together with the vocation group, we have seen how thirsty they really are to discover their vocations and their willingness to commit themselves. Therefore, we prepared the feast of the Good Shepherd together with them. We decided to ask the Vocations chaplain to allow us to animate one of the Masses. We were given the one of 11:30 am.
We animated the Mass with dances from the beginning until the end (Entrance song, Gloria, Offertory, Thanksgiving). After the Mass we continued with our meeting.
We MSOLA were invited to talk about vocations in general (religious, marriage, and single life with promises to God).
We explained the word “vocation” by using different readings from the Bible like the call of Moses, Samuel and Matthew … where God called them in order to give them a mission. God also calls us through dreams, the people we live with and our careers. When those dreams come frequently, we need to pay attention to them and share them with a person who can help us to understand better what God is calling us to, so that we may answer His call.
After the sharing, they asked us many amazing questions, for example:
how can they know the congregation which God is calling them to join? At which level of education is it better to join, after Form 4 or university? They also asked us how we live the vow of poverty in religious life. How a person who is in religious life can manage his or her feelings as a woman/man?
Thanks to those questions, they gave us the chance to share about our congregation. These questions were waiting for us because they hadn’t yet found a person to help them understand. Besides that, they had an opportunity to ask some Sisters but they did not get answers from them. They were happy with our answers. We were also very excited with the good attendance and their active participation.
It was the first anniversary of the resumption of the activities of the group since its suspension. Indeed, it was a joyful and a happy moment for everyone.
It also gives hope for the future by having people who will serve the Lord with their whole heart. We ended our meeting by sharing a drink and cakes and saying a short prayer asking God for the grace of discovering our vocations.