“… if you have love for one another”
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” John 13:35 By 5 MSOLA temporary professed sisters Sr. Anosiata Keneema in mission in Kinshasa, DRC, Sr. Eliane Nzoyisaba in Bunamwaya, Uganda, Sr. Eunice Kyohairwe in Tikondane, Malawi, Sr. Sylviane Rouamba in mission in Dar-es Salaam, Tanzania and Sr. Xaverine Mukatabaza in Malindi, Kenya Dear sisters and friends, greetings of peace to all of you. We are glad to share with you our joys, discoveries, insights gained during the session that we had online for three days. Indeed, it was a very rich experience. This session was given by Fr. Joseph Baru, O.C.D. We were more than 100 sisters among whom 5 MSOLA Temporary Professed sisters who actively participated in this session. The topic was: “The vowed life lived in contemporary society”. As religious, we need to have the…