Daily Archives: September 23, 2024

MSOLA SMNDA missionary sisters Africa sœurs missionnaires Afrique

Sr. Margret (left) with the journalist who made the interview     Shared by Sr. Margret Tovar, Trier, Germany The birthday of my cousin was celebrated in a splendid setting near Frankfurt / Main on May 1st, 2024. In the invitation he had requested that instead of gifts people could make donations for the missionary work of the White Sisters. At the reception in the park of the golf club, I had a conversation with a journalist who wanted to find out more about our community and our different activities in Africa. We agreed to meet after lunch to discuss this.   But then another opportunity presented itself. My cousin gave a speech during lunch in which, among other things, he briefly mentioned our African mission and asked me to say something about it. I spontaneously thought of the journalist among the guests who wanted to know more about the…

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