Vocation animation in our residence consists in keeping alive the missionary fire that will animate us until the end,
remembering that we are MISSION by all that we are and do.
We are fortunate to have a lay animator in our Cartierville retirement home in the person of Mrs. Josée Beaudet who organizes activities to animate meetings. She recently organized an African party where we were invited to wear our African dress (boubous), to dance to the sound of songs and drums, to have a drink of hibiscus and sweet doughnuts… all the residents were invited. The atmosphere was lively and it was a real treat for all.
For Valentine’s Day, we draw pictures of Our Lady of Africa and hearts, and tried out our skills in modeling clay! Birthday gatherings are an opportunity for us to reminisce about our mission experiences which are always interesting. There are also our encounters with the friends and families of our deceased sisters. They are truly happy to meet us.
In our small groups we came up with all sorts of interesting ideas such as a Bingo to celebrate Mardi Gras… and don’t forget to wear your masks please! A group plays bean bag baseball (les poches) in the evening; the goals are counted and the winners, and even the losers, get a prize at the end.
A good meal brought us together with our Superior General who had come to spend some time in Cartierville and who patiently met with each one of us. The visit was a breath of fresh air for the future! Also together we gather to say goodbye to a companion who is returning to Africa, Gratienne Ndizeye.
These are all moments when our missionary life shines through!
Jacqueline Picard, Cartierville, Canada