Postulants NIYOMWUNGERE Evelyne, TEBABO Philogène and AFUA Mediator
Dear sisters,
we are happy to share with you our community experience and our learning of the English language for two months.
First of all, we are very grateful for the welcome of our sisters who allowed us to spend our time in Gumo in a good atmosphere. We were touched by their availability, their attention and their encouragement in our learning of the language.
When we arrived, the sisters showed us the house and the community program. This put us at ease and we felt at home by sharing the community tasks. What struck us during the lessons was the fact that our teacher did not understand French. We did not understand each other’s English either. The teacher did his best so that we could understand him. We do not forget the help of our sisters who encouraged us not to be ashamed of practicing the language despite our mistakes.
As a French proverb says: “It is by forging, that one becomes a blacksmith”. We keep this as a treasure in the formation.
We had time to discover the environment, by visiting our village on Sunday, the ordination of a Missionary of Africa in BOLGA, the visit of the parish of a Missionary of Africa in Savelgo, as well as the visit to the village chief in his palace. All this taught us to admire the culture of where we are and the beauty of missionary life.
We made the connection with our charism which tells us to go towards the other and to be “all to all.” Our stay was very short but we hope that the congregation will give us another opportunity to learn more English.
To conclude, we would like to express our sincere thanks to the congregation for giving us this opportunity, then to our sisters in Ouagadougou who sent us to Gumo, as well as to the community of Gumo who welcomed us and helped us during our stay.