Daily Archives: November 18, 2024

novena with cardinal Lavigerie

+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Text from the Cardinal: “Nothing human is foreign to me.” “I am a man, and I am familiar with everything human.” (Terence, from Heautontimorumenos, v. 77). It is a cry that started from Rome, and which echoes throughout the universe. I am a man; injustice towards other people revolts my heart. I am a man; oppression is unworthy of my nature. I am a man; the cruelties against so many of my fellow-creatures instigate only horror within me. I am a man, and what I would like to be done to give me freedom, honour, the sacred bonds of the family, I want to do in order to restore to the sons of this unfortunate race, family, honour and freedom (E.98). Reflection: Through the correspondence with his missionaries on the field, Lavigerie became…

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