Daily Archives: January 10, 2025

    Sr. Valérie Kaboré on mission in Algeria “While part of the world is condemned to live in the depths of history, while inequalities increase and the economy punishes the weakest, while society is dedicated to the idolatry of money and consumption, the poor and the marginalized often have no choice but to continue to wait (cf. Evangelii Gaudium, n. 54). … It is us whom his grace makes shine; it is our life, imbued with compassion and charity, which must become a sign of the Lord’s presence, always close to the suffering of the poor, to soothe their wounds and transform their destiny.” Link to the PDF https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2024/documents/20241117-omelia-giornatamondiale-poveri.html   I feel very inspired by this quotation from Pope Francis. He recalled these words recently, on 17 November, during the World Day of the Poor. Several events and celebrations that we have experienced in these days can be linked…

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