From our sisters Jacqueline Piron and Monique Moret
A meeting of 27 missionary fathers and sisters from Africa at the White Fathers’ Generalate, coming from 10 countries and representing as many African countries where they have worked.
Integrating Past and Present: Lessons from the Butterfly’s Transformation
Right from the 1st meeting, we were spread around a table in groups of 5 or 6. A butterfly, with all its mutations, was immediately projected onto a screen and became the focus of our various reflections. Like the butterfly, we had to learn to emerge from the egg and become a magnificent butterfly, a sign of our journey through life to become a radiant elder. Indeed, the aim was to embrace the present, integrate the past, in an attitude of openness and receptivity, trusting completely in the God who dwells within us.
Building Real Fraternity
From the 1st moment, we were guided by Father Yago Alledo M.Afr., known as the animator of our General Chapter, and remarkable with the group we formed. A unique experience. Indeed, thanks to his gift for animation, he encouraged us to participate by asking pertinent questions of one or other of us at a moment’s notice. In this way, he awakened our ability to listen, to express ourselves quickly in the truth of our being, and to involve everyone. He also got us to work in small groups, like at the synod, where everyone had to express themselves according to the questions posed, and learn to really listen. Afterwards, the reflection would be brought back to the large group, and a new sharing would take place fairly quickly.
This way of working was pursued over the 3 weeks, enabling us to get to know each other well, to accept each other’s differences through the listening we were asked to do, and to learn from each other. In this way, we experienced a real fraternity. This climate enabled us to get to know each other well, and to live joyfully as missionary brothers and sisters from Africa.
Embracing Aging: Insights on Bearing Fruit in Later Years
The other speakers continued in the same spirit: Olivier T. Soma, M.Afr. Burkinabè from the house in Rome and Valérie Kaboré MSOLA Burkinabè on mission in Algeria spoke to us on the subject “Aging, they still bear fruit” Ps.91,15. Hélène M’Buyamba MSOLA gave us the tools to take care of ourselves. Mind and body were well taken care of, which was appreciated by all. Our sister Leticia, from the General Council, got us thinking about the world as we see it today, asking us at the same time about our vision as “Missionaries of Africa” for a mission adapted to today’s world and in the places where we live.
The last day’s recollection, also led by Leticia, with the story of Anne and Simeon in the Temple who welcome Jesus and recognize him as Savior, helped us to return to our different places comforted by the knowledge that the new stage we have to live depends on our trust in God, and that it is far from over.
We won’t forget the butterfly frame that accompanied our journey, always inviting us to live in the present moment, in which God gives us his strength to nourish our inner selves with trust, gratitude and hope, always accompanied by Mary who will help us, through grace, to be reborn and grow under her benevolent gaze.
A wonderful experience to recommend!
Thanks to the great preparation and constant support of Sister Hélène.