Author Archives: Alessandra Ferri

In Rwanda there were two sessions of “Come and see” and here we share three comments from the participant. The first two testimonies are from Butare and the third from Kigali. “Dear sisters! Receive our greetings from Rwanda in Butare community! We are very grateful to God for the warm welcoming we received from the sisters, the joy and happiness we have experienced with them. We were touched by their openness during the three days of session. We were also happy to see them living together from different countries, cultures and with different ages. This increased our desire to continue Journeying with the sisters and to join them. We were seven young women. We finished our S6 this year and we are waiting for the result. Care for us in your prayers. Each one of us was very touched by the MSOLA Charism and apostolic work, like working against Human…

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From Sister Bouda Julienne, Ukusijoni Community, Uganda From the 30th of July to the 4th of September, I participated in a workshop on Formation, organised by the Association of the Religious in Uganda (ARU) – Arua Branch in Lodonga, Northern Uganda. By formation, we were reminded that by the nature of our religious consecration, we are formators in our different ministries, though the majority were formators in their various institutes. We were 28 participants including the animators, from 10 Religious Institutes. The formation consisted in presenting to the participants the ARU- Formation Resource Book and its Guideline. We were taught about ecclesiology and charisma of consecrated life according to the teaching of the Catholic Church. The main objective of this meeting was also to gather the religious of the Arua diocese to know each other and live the motto of the ARU: “No longer strangers but friends” Jn: 15.15, and…

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In Montréal, from August 22nd to 26th 2022, we have celebrated our American Pre-chapter with leaders Maite Sanz de Pablo et Florence Mwamba Malunga and many sisters from Canada and the United States. Here are some extracts with the sisters’ reflections: “This moment of grace allows us to look together how have lived the orientations of the General Chapter 2017 and the orientations of our post-capitular Chapter: “Bearers of hope, listening to the voice of the Spirit, let’s move forward together towards the peripheries.” “GRATITUDE: … Finally, the real gift of gratitude is that the more we are grateful, the more present we become. This is our boundless wish for our gathering.” “LIVING SOME CHANGES OF SEASONS: The change of seasons has been characterized by the changes in our own being as persons, as we continue to grow in age. Ageing brings a lot of challenges to many of us.…

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  From September 12, 2022, we started arriving in Rome and our sisters in the Generalate house warmly welcomed us with joy. On September 15, 2022, on the feast of our Lady of Sorrows, we officially began our Juniorate program. Our sisters Mapendo Annonciata and Maamalifar Poreku accompany us. Slowly as we start our journey of these 5 months, we have been blessed to visit some historical places of our Catholic faith like St. Peter’s Basilica and Assisi to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis. We were happy to join our senior sisters and brothers in this pilgrimage to Assisi. Indeed, we profited doubly. Besides living the experience of Assisi together, we also shared passed experiences. On September 21, 2022, the feast of St. Matthew, we had our opening mass celebrated by Fr. Olivier Soma (MAfr). The whole of this day was special for us, crowned by the opening…

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Links to videos Action and Contemplation by Richard Rohr: ‘Being a Contemplative in Action’ – Fr. John Padberg, SJ:   Link to download the PDF document Ecology Prayer N°13

  “Come and see” is an invitation that God launches to anyone who wants to know his plan of Love. In our community in Burundi, this summer 2022 we organized two missionary sessions for girls who feel attracted by our missionary vocation and who seek to know for what project God created them, and how they can engage in his life, to respond to the Will of God. From July 12 to 15, the session was for students studying at the second level, we call them “pre-finalists”, there were 4 girls, plus Evelyne, our young postulant who came from Congo for her leave and who is preparing to leave for Burkina Faso. From August 8 to 12, the missionary session was for girls who have finished high school and who have many questions about their future. There were 9 girls from different regions of Burundi. The sisters of the community,…

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This month was marked by a missionary vocation camp where we welcomed 20 girls coming from different parishes of our diocese of Moundou and wishing to know our congregation. They are interested in a missionary and apostolic life. The session was from August 7 to 12. The themes were: “Ecological conversion with Jesus” and “What are you looking for?” Each of us participated in the session and gave our part according to the proposed themes. In these two themes, we find that what marked the young people is that ecology is a question of loving and taking care of creation, starting with oneself. And for the second theme, vocation is to live a happy life with others and for others. We had the joy of sharing with them about our congregation: charism, spirituality and why we were founded by Cardinal Lavigerie. After that we had a day of sending on…

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Each year in Nouakchott, the “Maison du Quartier” organises a summer camp for 3 weeks. This year’s theme was: “The Earth is for all… be happy! “. This camp aims to help children improve their knowledge by doing several activities with them. This year, we were lucky enough to experience this event because in previous years, it had been cancelled due to Covid 19. The “Maison du Quartier” committee, in collaboration with our community, organised activities that could help these children. There were volunteers who offered to give the children various activities such as: embroidery, crochet, computers, decorating bottles, singing and patchwork. Everyone contributed where they could. We welcomed about thirty children and we put them in groups so that they could participate in all the activities in turn. Through these activities, we taught the children to save nature by recovering and using everything that had to be thrown away,…

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Creator of All, From your communion of love your Word went forth to create a symphony of life that sings your praise.   By your Holy Wisdom you made the Earth to bring forth a diversity of creatures who praise you in their being. You called human beings to till and keep your garden. But we turn in on ourselves and away from our co-creatures.   We fail to listen to the cries of the poor and the needs of the most vulnerable. We silence the voices of those who hold the traditions that teach us to care for the Earth. We close our ears to your creative, reconciling and sustaining Word that calls to us through the Scriptures.   Creation cries out as forests crackle, and animals alike flee the fires of injustice that we have lit by our unwillingness to listen.   In this Season of Creation, we…

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