The Netherlands: a walk through history
On the 9th of April we organized a walk of 12 kilometers from the local history museum in Boxtel to the little village of Esch, a place from which many White Sisters left for Africa between 1895-2005. Since the 1st of January 2021 Esch belongs to the bigger village of Boxtel and to mark this date the local museum made an exhibition about the ‘Canon (history) of Esch’. Esch is an old village where Roman remains were found by archaeologists; it is around 1300 years old. One of the objects on the exposition is a big painting by one of our sisters, the almost blind Sr. Dymphna Kleemans (+), of the motherhouse ‘Sancta Monica’ and a doll of a White Sister in her old habit. The old mother house of the White Sisters, St. Monica (the mother of St. Augustin was named Monica and she was born in Algeria), is…
Sisters among the people
Being inserted in the village, our community is a home for all. On a daily basis, we receive people who come for different reasons: to greet, to sell (the milieu where we stay, women and girls do a lot of hawking), looking for someone to confide in, and for learning purposes (pupils who come to revise their notes). For so many years, our sisters have been immersed in the ministry of education at different levels. We respond to this particular call because learning opens a person to many other opportunities and gives occasion to learn about issues that are a concern for us sisters, such as: care of the environment, respect of differences, commitment to Faith, and prevention of modern slavery. It is almost the 6th month since I was appointed to the community of Gumo, in Ghana, and joined in this pastoral work. I am starting a new project…
Fill the jars with water!
Sunday 29 May 2022 There is an unusual agitation in the village of Kanie (50km from Lublin, in eastern Poland). They go here and there, looking for something, bringing something, talking, singing, taking photos… – But it is quite a pleasant chaos. It seems to be an unusual sight in this small town, especially that most of these people come from different continents, which is obvious at first glance. But… what is it really all about? It looks like a big celebration. And so it was! Sister Ania Wójcik, Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa, was to make her perpetual vows that day. It was all for her. And for Him who called her. At 10 a.m. in the parish of Saints Peter and Paul the solemn Holy Mass began, celebrated by Bishop Adam Bab. The singing in different languages, as well as the prayer, accompanied by rhythmic sounds,…
The creation of a business school
Madeleine Jacqueminet spent more than half a century of her African missionary life in Burkina Faso. A teacher by training, she has done secretarial work and accounting. The years have passed and today she is at the St Charles retirement home in Verrières-le-Buisson, where she has kept her good mood, her dynamism and her joie de vivre… For me, the “All to all” of our founder Charles Lavigerie, began the day I responded to a request from Cardinal Zoungrana (from Ouagadougou), who asked for someone to start a commercial school. There was a lack of secretaries in Burkina. But what to do? I started from NOTHING, I had to find a group of students, equipment, a room, organize everything! My first job was to prepare an entrance exam to select the most suitable girls to start this training. Then I went to see the headmaster of the technical school…
I was born in Plouguerneau
Anna Bernard lives at the St Charles retirement home in Verrières le Buisson. During her African missionary life, it was Kabylia that welcomed her and she has wonderful memories. She also spent many years in France, always to render the humble service of cook there. With great kindness, she responded to our little interview. Anna, are you from the family of Mother Marie Salomé? She was a relative from afar, but I knew her family well. In Plouguerneau where I was born, I was close to one of her nieces. We were five children, I had two older brothers and two younger brothers. Only the youngest remains, my godson, whom I telephone. In what language do you speak to him? In Breton, of course! I even pray in Breton. When I arrived in Kabylie, I was told that it was a very difficult language to learn. I learned it with…
My experience with children on and off the street
BY SR. MARIETTE MACOZI KAPUTA, KINSHASA, DRC When I arrived in Kinshasa three months ago, I received the appointment to work at ORPER (Oeuvre de Reclassement et de Protection des Enfants de la Rue), a structure that welcomes children on and off the street for various reasons. As I welcomed this appointment with joy, I was still apprehensive about how to deal with these children, whom I imagined to be very difficult. To my great surprise, these children welcomed me with open arms and after a few days they were at ease with me as if we had known each other for a long time. They immediately noticed my twisted Lingala and since then, they have not hesitated to make corrections while encouraging me that I will eventually speak well. These children surprised me with their spirit of solidarity and sharing. When there is food, for example, and one of…
“This is the day that the Lord has made”
“This is the day that the Lord has made, a day of celebration and joy” On Sunday 08/05/2022, our Sister Priscille Nisubire made her final profession in her parish of origin, Kiganda in the Archdiocese of Bujumbura in Burundi. It was a day of joy for the whole Church of Kiganda and for us who were there. In the entrance procession, at the sight of the crowd that surrounded us from left to right, we could shout to ourselves: “Ah, how beautiful on the mountain are the footsteps of the messengers of the Good News who announce salvation and peace.” As for the parishioners, they said they were very happy because it is rare for the sisters to make their vows in the parish. The mass was presided over by Monsignor Gervais Banshimiyubusa, Archbishop of Bujumbura. It was Good Shepherd Sunday. His homily was very short and meaningful. He spoke…
“Sister Claire-Michelle, you have been a Link! »
Interview of Sr. Claire-Michelle by Sr. Nicole Robion It was Easter Sunday. Claire-Michelle recounts what she experienced that afternoon. In November 2019, a friend of the “Live and Love” movement, from Palaiseau, told me: “A Syrian family has arrived in Verrières, housed by the town hall. Can you contact them? » I thought to myself that she really had a high idea of what I could do! Did she naively think that I was able to take care of them? The accommodation of the host family was a 15-minute walk from Maison St Charles where I live. I went to see them on December 14, 2019. They were sleeping on mattresses. I found the husband, wife and a little girl of school age and a young child walking on all fours. We spoke in English. He was a journalist in Syria. I invited them to visit us in St Charles.…
Arab course, on-site and on-line
Learn Arabic the Tunisian way at the Maison d’Etudes des Soeurs Blanches in Montfleury! Also online, with the method of Sr Madeleine Prim. The Level 1 manual has been reissued. The dialogues have been written as a comic to facilitate learning. The content of the manual remains the same.There are now 4 Tunisian Arabic textbooks with the Prim method:- Level 1- Level 2- Level 3A-Level 3B. These four manuals cover all the courses given. For information write to
Perpetual vows of Pascaline Katungu
On April 30, 2022 in Goma, DRC – Sharing of Pascaline Katungu “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will be our messenger?’ And I answered: ‘Here I am: send me!’” Is 6, 8-9 Yes, the voice of the Lord resounded in my heart, he called me from my mother’s womb. Today I say a definite yes to his call. Since childhood, I have felt within me the desire to follow Christ more closely in religious life. He alone prepared the ground. He shaped me through my biological family, teachers, priests and catechists, neighbours and all the people God put on my path. Then he formed me through the sisters of my religious family. Since 2005, the year when I first started to visit the MSOLA, until today. I give thanks to God! It pleased God to call me to be…