4th November 2024 with Cardinal Lavigerie
Download PDF: 20241104 A Year With CML200
3rd November 2024 with Cardinal Lavigerie
Download PDF file: 20241103 A Year With CML200
2nd November 2024 with Cardinal Lavigerie
Download file PDF: 20241102 A Year With CML200
1st November 2024 with Cardinal Lavigerie
Download PDF: 20241101 A Year With CML200
31st October 2024 with Cardinal Lavigerie
Download PDF: 31st October 2024 with Cardinal Lavigerie
Prayer for the Bicentenary Celebration
Lord Jesus, we thank you for the life you gave to our Founder, Cardinal Lavigerie and for the missionary charism that he passed on to us. Strengthen in us the spirit of prayer and simplicity. Consolidate our community and intercultural life. Revive our dedication, enthusiasm and apostolic zeal. Deeply renew our missionary vocation in the service of the African world. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady of Africa. Amen. Here are the links to download Prayer for the Bicentenary Celebration in various languages in PDF format: PDF ES ORACIÓN – Un año con el cardenal Lavigerie+EN+FR PDF FR PRIÈRE- Une année avec le cardinal+EN+IT PDF IT PREGHIERA – Un anno con il cardinale Lavigerie+EN+FR PDF POL MODLITWA – Rok z kardynałem Lavigerie+EN+FR PDF POR ORAÇÃO – Um ano com o Cardeal Lavigerie+EN+FR
…May our hearts and our lives will truly be transformed!
This year, at the beginning of Lent Pope Francis invited us to enter the Lenten exodus in order to free ourselves from slavery. God sustains our hope-through an ecclesial, communitarian, and personal journey of conversion – to lead us to the land He wants to give us. We hope each one of you could profit of this time offered. During this Holy Week, the most important time of the year for our Christian life, let us continue walking closely with Jesus. This is the time to live in solidarity with those who suffer. It is in their pain, in their vulnerability, that we can recognize Jesus himself giving life for us on the cross, loving us to the end. Let us pray with the words of Pope Francis asking the Lord for “the grace of being internally moved by the celebrations of the coming days, so that our hearts…
Message of Pope Francis for World Mission Day
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR WORLD MISSION DAY 2023 (22nd October 2023) Hearts on fire, feet on the move (cf. Lk 24:13-35) Dear brothers and sisters! For this year’s World Mission Sunday, I have chosen a theme inspired by the story of the disciples on the way to Emmaus, in the Gospel of Luke (cf. 24:13-35): “Hearts on fire, feet on the move”. Those two disciples were confused and dismayed, but their encounter with Christ in the word and in the breaking of the bread sparked in them the enthusiastic desire to set out again towards Jerusalem and proclaim that the Lord had truly risen. In the Gospel account, we perceive this change in the disciples through a few revealing images: their hearts burned within them as they heard the Scriptures explained by Jesus, their eyes were opened as they recognized him and, ultimately, their feet set out on the way. By meditating…
Dare to dream of a new creation!
This is the Letter of the General Council on the 154th anniversary of the birth of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Our Lady of Africa. Rome, 8th September 2023 Ladies! If it’s just us to get started, it’ll be lovely! Dare to dream of a new creation! Dear Sisters, Happy feast day of the birth of our Lady and our Congregation! From the very beginning our Congregation has been on a journey of transformation within itself and within the Church. Our first heroic Sisters from Brittany, responding to the call of Cardinal Lavigerie, embarked on an adventure…
Openness to other forms of belonging to the congregation
A little sharing about the emerging group: The Lavigerie group is a newly born group in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) made up of lay associates (wishing to share our charism) at the invitation of the General Council to open our doors to different groups who wish to share our charism and spirituality. It is a group animated by the spirit of love and mutual aid. The members easily take initiatives. They are together in both joyful and sorrowful moments. For example, when a death occurs, there is communication and then the delegation goes to present condolences to the family. We have already celebrated happy events such as Valentine’s wedding and the final vows of Sr. Beatrice Badini. During the preparations for the vows of Sr. Béatrice, they helped us a lot and a group was even formed to give a hand with the needed services. On the day of the…