Category Archives: Apostolic orientation


    MIGRANTS : Faced with this situation the Sisters of Our Lady of Africa and the Missionaries of Africa sent a letter to political leaders of the European Union and European countries, asking them to address the causes of migration and proposing a change in the economic policy. In May and June, many migrant trying to get into Europe lost their lives crossing the Mediterranean. Despite numerous protests, statements and letters from associations, individuals and some politicians, the European Union, and most European governments and politicians continued to strengthen the closure of their borders to prevent economic migrants and political refugees from entering in Europe.  Dear Mr. /Mrs…. We need to transform our economic system: We appeal to you o To promote in your own [party, government, parliament…] a reflection on the root causes of migration and a discussion on the required transformation of our economic system. o Initiate and…

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      My brother, My sister, You left everything, your home, your family, your friends, your country…. You left, set out,.. arriving in an unknown country, With people who speak another language, Who have different customs, a different religion than yours….   How many obstacles encountered, not counting all those met on the way… in Sinai, Turkey, Libya, on the seas…. and now in the country where you seek a welcome. In addition, without an apparent future, With tomorrow’s insecurity, In search of the papers to regularize your situation, Lacking the necessary for your vital needs. Being unable to speak, to really express yourself….. Unable to comprehend all these papers, not knowing what they mean, What to do ……     O my brother, O my sister in humanity,  I would like to be able to say to you… “rest here” with us,…. do not worry. I hope that…

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Les animatrices

      Begun on July 13th and finished on the 17th, our session gathered 27 students of the third year in Secondary School, for the State diploma.   “The Joy of the Gospel” was visible on the faces of the young people and the sisters. This theme of the encyclical of Pope Francis was presented the first day of our session. The next days it was Vocation in the Bible and our Charism. A morning of spiritual recollection and individual accompaniment preceded the Eucharist of “sending” and the festive evening.   The three sisters of our community of Kadutu : Christine Tubiangalie, Christine Bahati Safi and Bouda Julienne were involved in the preparations and in the activities of the session. Some points were highlighted by the participants in their evaluation: They especially emphasized our joy, expressed by the testimonies of our apostolic commitments, our sisterhood / brotherhood and our…

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mines au Burkina Faso

mines au Burkina Faso



Africa is rich in reserves of minerals. It is a leading producer of gold and coltan (used in electronic devices) and other minerals.

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bibliothèque des Soeurs Blanches Oran Algérie
grande mosquee paris

    At the beginning of my stay in Paris, a happy event led me to discover the existence of a spiritual-sharing-group at the great mosque in Paris which met under the theme “Enter into the intimacy of the Koranic universe.” It is true that I could not imagine spending a school year in Paris without trying to meet with the Muslim community in France -I who lived 17 years in Algeria where I very much appreciated the welcome of Muslim friends and families. I carried within me the desire to meet the Muslim minority living in Paris.   With the goal of sharing our lived experience, our host ensured that exchanges did not become discussions, but that we would all seek to discover how God speaks to us in our life, how God’s word inspires, how God reveals himself through the Qur’an. The group was very diverse, consisting of people…

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JNEA aux Palmiers lecture dune nouvelle
JPIC juin 2015

We were 4 Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa – that is to say – Florence, Harriet, Laurence and I went to the big lobby on Climate Change at Westminster. Laurence took these photos of us waiting to meet our M.P. and of me talking to her.. Her name is Rupa Huq and do you know that I spoke to her about how climate change affects Migration… the advance of the desert and the submerging of the islands.. She agreed very strongly.. As you see she is of Asian descent and she spoke about her homeland which has been threatened by flooding for many years.. 17th June 2015, Sr Marie

migrant desert algerie

Already two weeks ago I wanted to write something about a particular adventure – an adventure about migration; an adventure about human encounter. It is still possible to have beautiful encounters, free encounters, transforming encounters. Ghardaia, November 2013, the first hints of rain, little drizzles in the evening. The day is sunny and fresh, otherwise cold! The small desert offers its stones to the sun’s rays as if to suck the heat and keep it for the nights, already difficult to bear without shelter. The Algerian cities have been visited for the past year by unusual people, women and children from the south, begging by day, disappearing at night. At first like the war-refugees from Mali, then recognized as Nigerians, their presence questioned, sometimes disturbing, often leading to compassion. Algerian Associations mobilize quickly to bring them food, especially when cold attacks these scantily clad people. Some newspapers write about them.…

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basilique notre dame afrique

  My main work now is welcoming people to the Basilica of Our Lady of Africa, three days a week. In fact, having lived so many years in Algeria, since 1959, and knowing several languages (Arabic, German, Italian and French), is a valuable asset to receive and inform visitors to this high point in Algeria.     I meet an average of 250 people per day, mostly Algerians who come to pray, because it is their Basilica! It has been completely restored two years ago, and since then, it is not unusual for delegations from the Middle East and other countries to come to visit. Also the Basilica of Our Lady of Africa has become a place of international worship. Many moving testimonies show this, such as that of an old man arriving from Jerusalem who wanted to visit Our Lady of Africa again before he died. He had lived…

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