The learning method of tunisian language
The learning method of tunisian language is intended to beginner level. It is written both in arabic and transcript for a francophone and anglophone people, what is quite unique. This method was written by Sister Madeleine Prim. This method is the product of a long story. After some lessons given by The White Fathers at IBLA ( Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes) , the White Sisters have organized a first draft copy of lessons more intensive in 1937. Since 1957, the language center works in its current form, under the name of ” Maison d’Etudes” , based in Monfleury / Tunis and linked to a library intended to highschooler. Initially intended to the White Sister who was studying literal arabic and arabic dialect, with an formation on islamology, the center has opened gradually towards another public living and working in Tunis. The first student…
Dear Mr. /Mrs….
MIGRANTS : Faced with this situation the Sisters of Our Lady of Africa and the Missionaries of Africa sent a letter to political leaders of the European Union and European countries, asking them to address the causes of migration and proposing a change in the economic policy. In May and June, many migrant trying to get into Europe lost their lives crossing the Mediterranean. Despite numerous protests, statements and letters from associations, individuals and some politicians, the European Union, and most European governments and politicians continued to strengthen the closure of their borders to prevent economic migrants and political refugees from entering in Europe. Dear Mr. /Mrs…. We need to transform our economic system: We appeal to you o To promote in your own [party, government, parliament…] a reflection on the root causes of migration and a discussion on the required transformation of our economic system. o Initiate and…
O Migrant, “rest here” with us…
My brother, My sister, You left everything, your home, your family, your friends, your country…. You left, set out,.. arriving in an unknown country, With people who speak another language, Who have different customs, a different religion than yours…. How many obstacles encountered, not counting all those met on the way… in Sinai, Turkey, Libya, on the seas…. and now in the country where you seek a welcome. In addition, without an apparent future, With tomorrow’s insecurity, In search of the papers to regularize your situation, Lacking the necessary for your vital needs. Being unable to speak, to really express yourself….. Unable to comprehend all these papers, not knowing what they mean, What to do …… O my brother, O my sister in humanity, I would like to be able to say to you… “rest here” with us,…. do not worry. I hope that…
Bukavu, RCD session “The joy of the Gospel”
Begun on July 13th and finished on the 17th, our session gathered 27 students of the third year in Secondary School, for the State diploma. “The Joy of the Gospel” was visible on the faces of the young people and the sisters. This theme of the encyclical of Pope Francis was presented the first day of our session. The next days it was Vocation in the Bible and our Charism. A morning of spiritual recollection and individual accompaniment preceded the Eucharist of “sending” and the festive evening. The three sisters of our community of Kadutu : Christine Tubiangalie, Christine Bahati Safi and Bouda Julienne were involved in the preparations and in the activities of the session. Some points were highlighted by the participants in their evaluation: They especially emphasized our joy, expressed by the testimonies of our apostolic commitments, our sisterhood / brotherhood and our…
Come mix your colors with me
Around the theme of peace and living together, the library of the Palmiers in Algiers, organized for the first time a summer camp from 20 to 25 July 2015 for neighborhood children. A dozen facilitators (seven young Algerians, two Congolese Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa and Marion French DCC) prepared singing workshops, crafts (origami, painting, salt dough …), theater and magic for children from 6 to 10 years. We began with an educational game in the morning, where even the most timid children got involved! Each day, a group of children was responsible for preparing the tea. The last day, parents were able to admire the works their children had done during the workshops. The children presented a show with little theater skits about living together. Each presented the job of their dreams: doctor, architect, pilot, mechanic, cook, teacher, police officer, housekeeper, lawyer. Meriem, aged…
The disastrous effects of the Mining Industry in Africa
Africa is rich in reserves of minerals. It is a leading producer of gold and coltan (used in electronic devices) and other minerals.
An old Catechist
As for me, I do not have a great devotion for cemeteries, but would go to his tomb each time I returned to Ipusukilo. In 1950, I arrived in Ipusukilo, Northern Rhodesia, Zambia. As a good White Sister, the first thing to do was to learn the Bemba language. My teacher, (at that time there were no language courses), was Sister Séraphine, one of the four Sisters of the first caravan of Sisters to arrive in Northern Rhodesia. In the afternoon, I went to Lubilo village to practice speaking with Gabrieli Kawimbe. Holding the hand of a patient, or of a dying person: this act makes all the difference. Old Gabrieli had understood this.Gabrieli was an elderly man. I found him still seated on his deck-chair made of animal skins and reciting his rosary. He had been one of the first catechists of Bishop (Moto-Moto) Dupont, the Bishop King of…
I discovered an intimate face of Islam
At the beginning of my stay in Paris, a happy event led me to discover the existence of a spiritual-sharing-group at the great mosque in Paris which met under the theme “Enter into the intimacy of the Koranic universe.” It is true that I could not imagine spending a school year in Paris without trying to meet with the Muslim community in France -I who lived 17 years in Algeria where I very much appreciated the welcome of Muslim friends and families. I carried within me the desire to meet the Muslim minority living in Paris. With the goal of sharing our lived experience, our host ensured that exchanges did not become discussions, but that we would all seek to discover how God speaks to us in our life, how God’s word inspires, how God reveals himself through the Qur’an. The group was very diverse, consisting of people…