Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicite
“One day” says Perpetua, “while we were having lunch, they suddenly took us for questioning.
AEFJN, Lenten Meditations
Strengthen The Means Of Implementation And Global Partnership Promote Peaceful Societies, Justice For All And Inclusive Institutions Ensure Sustainable Consumption And Production Patterns Sustainable Use Of Water, Oceans And Marine Resources End Hunger Protect Ecosystems End Poverty Reduce Inequality Sdgs A New Challenge
Pray from the Encyclical “Laudato si”
“We feel it is urgent to incorporate in all our apostolic commitments, the dimension of justice, peace and integrity of creation.
Prayer for Missionary Vocations
Holy Spirit, You are the fire that the risen Jesus lit on the earth to reveal the boundless love of the Father..
The Sancta Maria prayer
The Sancta Maria prayer.This is a very ancient hymn sung by the sisters, Fathers and Brothers the Missionaries of Africa – White Sisters and White Fathers,during our family celebrations. This hymn is from the time of St Augustine. A hundred and fifty years ago the Christians of Algeria sang it; Cardinal Lavigerie loved it and he shared it with his missionaries. Since the beginning of the Congregation, Sisters entrust their mission to Mary,singing this hymn. Formerly at the mother house in Algiers sisters met every evening around the statue of Mary to sing the Sancta Maria. Today, this hymn is fervently repeated by all generations of Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa during our family celebrations: religious profession, jubilees, gatherings … Holy Mary, Help the afflicted Aid the faint-hearted Comfort the sorrowing Pray for the people Intercede for the clergy Plead for women consecrated to God May all…
Psalm of a migrant abandoned in the desert
I want to live… Lord, my helper and my refuge, from the womb of my mother, you know me and you love me … My mother told me that you never abandon anyone who trusts in you, but you guide them on the right path, and you feed them with the bread of heaven. Look upon me Lord; I am lost here, far away from my country, in a no-man’s land. I want to LIVE! I would like to escape the grasp of the multinationals that made our land a pile of trash … I would like to escape the wars which brought us, the poor ones, so much famine and distress. Lord, I wish to LIVE! But see where I am. Around me, there is no life, only the lifeless bodies of my companions in misfortune. I feel that soon it will be the same for me. I…
Prayer to Our Lady of Africa
Our Lady of Africa, mother of the human family, Be mindful of your African children, at home or dispersed on other continents. You who are full of grace, look upon all those who do not know Jesus, the Son sent by the Father. May his light draw them and make them receptive to the gift of Faith. You, who are one with Christ In suffering and in glory, Be mindful of those assailed by trials, That they may discover His liberating Passover, and live by it in hope. You who turned to Jesus When the wine of joy ran out Be mindful of peoples in distress, That justice and peace may prevail In a united world where Charity reigns. You who, in the midst of the Apostles, Received the breath of the Spirit Be mindful of the apostles of today. May they announce the Word with assurance And proclaim it…