Category Archives: Stages of formation

Dear Sisters, We are happy to share with you some important events that marked our Juniorate Pilgrimage. We set off on the 11th of September accompanied by our sisters Julia Alonso Martinez and Jeanne d’Arc Ouattara. From the beginning we were asked to be open and flexible as the problems with visa reshuffled our plans. Marietha Asimwe arrived on 10 September and Yollande Kandongo was able to join us only on 5 October. However, the new technologies came to our help and allowed us to start the program together. On September 14, the four juniorists Iwona Cholewińska, Magdalena Orczykowska, Marietha Asimwe and Yollande Kandongo we began our juniorate pilgrimage. During the opening Eucharist celebrated by Father Stan Lubungo, Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa, and in the presence of the sisters of the large community of the Generalate, the Superior General, Sister Angela Kapitingana, officially welcomed the juniorists for…

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  From October 13 to 16, the pre-novices (from left) Mbaihamdéné Valérie, Cyarisima Divine, Kwatemba Kuyonzo Wilkista Agripina, Jovanie Nitunga, and Nodjitelsemba Solange went to Mater Christi for their retreat in preparation for the official start of the novitiate, which is a very important stage in religious training. They were accompanied by Sister Furaha Kamanyula who led their retreat. They arrived all happy and the community was happy to welcome them. October 18 was the day of the official return to the novitiate and the entry into heaven of Mother Marie Salomé; I was touched by the organization of the community which made a beautiful feast. Each of us gave the best of ourselves in the preparations. Our brothers the Missionaries of Africa came with their novices to pray with us. The Eucharistic celebration was celebrated by Fr. Emmanuel, M.Afr. In his homily, he told us that he did not…

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  Our sister Ferroudja celebrated her final vows in the Basilica of Our Lady of Africa in Alger on June 24. She is from Kabyle, the cradle of our congregation.  Another mass was celebrated in Thanksgiving of the 1st of July in Farroudja parish. Many sisters and friends came to participate in the celebrations. Here we have the witness of some moments of grace, by Jeanne D’Arc Ouattara. “The Lord is faithful in all He does” (Ps 32:4) These words of the Psalmist are of a reality that we can taste in the days that preceded and follow Ferroudja’s vows. Words that are fulfilled for us in Algeria, for the Church and the world, in simple yet profound gestures that make God present in our midst, in hearts open to his love and faithfulness. What a wonderful surprise! Ferroudja’s younger brother, seeing his worried sister looking for a candle, presented…

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    A number of people gathered in Kayove parish, Rutana diocese in Burundi to share the joy of celebrating the final Vows of Sr. Aurélie, on 15th of April 2023. Ernestine Mukamana & Veronicah Khakasa, pre-postulants in the Community of Butare, share their impression of the celebration. It was a memorable celebration for the Christians of Rutana. The parish team and the parishioners participated actively in the preparation of the event. They were engaged in the decorations, preparing the meal, serving people, animating the mass just to mention a few. It was touching to see the commitment of the people of Kayove parish in this celebration. The Bishop Bonaventure Nahimana of Gitega celebrated mass and there were a good number of priests including diocesan and others from various religious congregation. There were also different religious who came to support our sister and to share the Joy with MSOLA and…

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  On Sunday, the 23rd of April 2023, in the parish church of St. John XXIII, a parish of the Archdiocese of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso run by the Missionaries of Africa, Sister Badini Wéndpouiré Beatrice pronounced her perpetual vows.  It was a great joy for us Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, as well as the Badini and Sawadogo families. After 9 years of temporary vows, she pronounced her perpetual ‘YES’ to follow Christ according to the charism of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (MSOLA). Her vows were received by Sister Celina Natanek, of the North West Africa Entity Leadership Team (NOUA), during a mass presided over by Monsignor Justin Kientega, Bishop of Ouahigouya (the diocese of Beatrice). Concelebrating with him were 14 priests including Beatrice’s younger brother, Father Damien Badini.   Sister Beatrice made her postulancy in Ouagadougou in 2010 – 2012, then, she did…

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  The 16th of April 2023, the day of final commitment of Sr. Redempta Kabahweza, was a great day of joy in our MSOLA family, in the family of Sr. Redempta and the entire church center of Kabata, Fort Portal in Uganda. It was a joy of participating in the event of a young woman who took the step to give herself totally to God and to God’s service until death! It was a celebration of Sr. Redempta’s final “YES” to the Lord’s call, to leave her country and proclaim God’s love to all the people she encounters. After listening to many people, the simplicity of Redempta in choosing the local church center for her feast was impressive. During her speech, she shared that it was in that vary church that she experienced her first encounter with God, where she came to know God and fell in love with Jesus…

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  We thank God with and for our five novices who are ending their spiritual year in Bobo Dioulasso in Burkina Faso, and they have been accepted to make their vows on the 8th October.  Clementine Hanyie Sezikana appointed to Ouagadougou St Julien, Burkina Faso. Neema Kavugho Kyuma appointed to Goma, DRC Xaverine Mukansinga appointed to Hydra, Algeria Sylviane Rouamba Soutongnooma appointed to Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania Agnieszka Łyskawińska appointed to Bukavu, DRC Clementine, Neema, Xaverine and Sylviane will be pronouncing their first vows while Agnieszka will be making final profession in our Congregation. We wish them to be a good instrument in God’s hands for His Kingdom. Good luck in their new mission!

  From September 12, 2022, we started arriving in Rome and our sisters in the Generalate house warmly welcomed us with joy. On September 15, 2022, on the feast of our Lady of Sorrows, we officially began our Juniorate program. Our sisters Mapendo Annonciata and Maamalifar Poreku accompany us. Slowly as we start our journey of these 5 months, we have been blessed to visit some historical places of our Catholic faith like St. Peter’s Basilica and Assisi to walk in the footsteps of St. Francis. We were happy to join our senior sisters and brothers in this pilgrimage to Assisi. Indeed, we profited doubly. Besides living the experience of Assisi together, we also shared passed experiences. On September 21, 2022, the feast of St. Matthew, we had our opening mass celebrated by Fr. Olivier Soma (MAfr). The whole of this day was special for us, crowned by the opening…

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Sunday 29 May 2022 There is an unusual agitation in the village of Kanie (50km from Lublin, in eastern Poland). They go here and there, looking for something, bringing something, talking, singing, taking photos… – But it is quite a pleasant chaos. It seems to be an unusual sight in this small town, especially that most of these people come from different continents, which is obvious at first glance. But… what is it really all about? It looks like a big celebration. And so it was! Sister Ania Wójcik, Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa, was to make her perpetual vows that day. It was all for her. And for Him who called her. At 10 a.m. in the parish of Saints Peter and Paul the solemn Holy Mass began, celebrated by Bishop Adam Bab. The singing in different languages, as well as the prayer, accompanied by rhythmic sounds,…

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priscille final vows

“This is the day that the Lord has made, a day of celebration and joy” On Sunday 08/05/2022, our Sister Priscille Nisubire made her final profession in her parish of origin, Kiganda in the Archdiocese of Bujumbura in Burundi. It was a day of joy for the whole Church of Kiganda and for us who were there. In the entrance procession, at the sight of the crowd that surrounded us from left to right, we could shout to ourselves: “Ah, how beautiful on the mountain are the footsteps of the messengers of the Good News who announce salvation and peace.” As for the parishioners, they said they were very happy because it is rare for the sisters to make their vows in the parish. The mass was presided over by Monsignor Gervais Banshimiyubusa, Archbishop of Bujumbura. It was Good Shepherd Sunday. His homily was very short and meaningful. He spoke…

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