Category Archives: Stages of formation

noviciat 2015 1

      “Three Saturdays a month, in the afternoon, we spend two hours in tutoring children from this village which is almost abandoned.   We work with two members of the community of Saint Egidio, which we were told upon arrival that “this is a school of peace.” Bénédicte cares for children from CE1 and CE2 (basic courses) and Aline those of CP1 and CP2 (preparatory courses). This phrase, “it is a school of peace” has marked us so much that today we realize that these children really need peace. Sometimes they fight one another to express their need for affection, as their great-grandparents were quarantined in the village because of their disease. There is a woman who spoke, saying, “it’s better when you’re here,” simply because these children who find it difficult to live together, fight and that is a disorder. Gradually the children get used to being…

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2015susana bosuh 2006
croix smnda confiance

  An itinerary of formation  The Congregation offers young women who express the desire to become a Missionary Sister of Notre Dame d’Afrique an itinerary of formation. Each stage is at the service of the human and spiritual growth of the person in view of her choice of life. First discoveries Thanks to a 9-month pre-postulancy in her own country or in a neighbouring country, the candidate gradually discovers life in a community of the Missionary Sisters of Notre Dame d’Afrique. She also works and takes courses. The international postulancy This is a first spiritual stage where the apostolate, initiation into a life of personal and community prayer and teaching are experienced with other young people from different countries. It lasts two years. The international novitiate This is the foundational stage of our initial formation to missionary religious life. It lasts 18 months. This time of ‘desert’ and deeper listening…

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2015Birgitta Gremm 1

        Sr Brigitta Gremn made her final vows in her home parish on 3rd May 2015. She is named to Nairobi, South B, Kenya.          

2015 veromputshila 1

        On 12th april 2015 in Lubumbashi, final commitment of sr Véronique Mputshila. she is named to Kenya for studies.                           On 3rd may 2015, in Kalemie, final commitment of Anastasie Muzinga. she is named to Kinshasa en RDC.

2014 jeunes professes

  On 26th April 2014 at Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso  Sr Ferroudja Chabane from Algeria, appointed to Lilongwe, Malawi.  Sr Médiatrice Kwizera from Burundi, appointed to Butare, Rwanda.  Sr Béatrice Badini Wêndpouiré from Burkina Faso, appointed to Algiers, Algeria. Sr Pascaline Katungu Muleresimundu from DR Congo, appointed to Kalabankura, Mali. Sr Odile Tuo Songuimagnon from Ivory Coast, appointed to Gitega, Burundi.     and  at Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Sr Agnes Waweru Wangeci from Kenya, appointed to Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania           on 11th October 2014 at Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Sr Priscille Nisubire from Burundi appointed to Dar-es-Salaam (Tandale),Tanzania. Sr Scholastique Makita Mutanda from DR Congo, appointed to Ghardaia, Algeria.  


      Amani Marie Anuarite Ndatabaye (DR Congo) is sent to Butare, Rwanda.           On the pictures : Sr. Amani surrounded by the postulants, in front of Butare Cathedral; Sr. Agathe Mukamuligo (left) and Amani having received the light


  “People do not need sad sisters because they are experiencing enough sadness but they need sisters who are loving, joyful and enthusiastic and this is what we are called to be. He further said that Jesus is not interested in sisters who look good and smart  but he is interested in sisters who bear fruits which are juicy and sweet, a call for us again to bear such kind of fruits.”   When the three of us shared our novitiate experience, we found out that our experience is almost the same, “ENCOUNTERING GOD WHO IS LOVE”. Though in different ways, we all have encountered a God who loves us and accepts us the way we are and whose love has sustained us since we were born up to today. Because of this, we felt that our profession would be a response to the love of God that he has offered…

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  By our religious profession, we say ‘yes’ to God and to the Congregation, where we are welcomed and of which we are now members. Sister Margaret Kennedy, the Regional Sister for East Africa, received our vows as representative of the Superior General. The Eucharistic celebration of our first profession took place in our house. It was presided over by Father Simon Drasiga sj, assistant at the Jesuit novitiate in Arusha. The novices from the Missionaries of Africa helped us with the singing. We had chosen songs in different languages, and people were struck by our ability to master each other’s languages.   Among the guests were our neighbours, parishioners and religious congregations. Our sisters from Dar-es-Salaam and Mwanza, Tanzania and from Nairobi, Kenya joined us for the celebration. This day has opened a new page in our lives; it is the beginning of a new story and a new…

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