The time of fidelity
Celebrating 25 years, 50 or 60 years of religious life is an opportunity to contemplate the journey of fidelity lived with the Lord, with her sisters and all those she met in Africa or elsewhere. On the occasion of her Golden Jubilee, Sister Nicole Robion witnesses to this fidelity of the Lord and her own: The burning bush In my burning bush the message you gave me: “Do not be afraid of the fire!” In the Holy Land he knew me. “I will be with you.” I am the one to marvel To give him the joy of accompanying me. “What joy I would have if I saw you all walk with a firm and resolute step in the vocation to which our Lord has called you. However, I respect your freedom so that born of his divine inspiration, it would be your voluntary…
Saint Bakhita, Patroness of kidnapped persons and victims of trafficking
Josephine was born in 1869 in South Sudan. She lived with her parents, 3 brothers and 4 sisters in Olgossa, a small village in Darfur, close to Mont Agilerei. The first suffering felt by Josephine was when those she called ” négriers” in reality members of Arab tribes who were slave traders, abducted her elder sister: “I still remember, she said in 1910, how Mama cried, and how we too cried. “ One day, between 1876 and 1877 she suffered the same fate as her sister; she was kidnapped and carried far away. “I was only thinking of my family; I called out to Papa and Mama, with anguish in my heart impossible to describe. But no-one was listening to me. “ Sold into slavery several times in the markets of El Obeid and Khartoum, she was treated brutally by her captors.…
I am receiving my King.
Gabrieli was one of the first catechists of the country (Zambia). Being old, he now remained in the village. I often went to visit him, to talk and improve the language I was learning. I always found him sitting in his lounge chair made with animal skin, praying the rosary … If he was absent, it meant that even in a village far away … someone was sick, often very ill. So Gabrieli took his stick and went to see him, to help him in his suffering…or dying. He had always kept his Shepherd’s heart. One day I found him lying down, with a high fever … He told me: “Go and tell the Father to bring me communion!” When Father arrived he was kneeling down. Father tried to tell him to stay in bed but … “No, I am receiving my King!” Every day the father came until…
Consecrated life, a gift from the Trinity
When I look at consecrated life, the first image that comes to me is that of a GIFT that the Trinity gives the world. This gift is updated at every period of history, according to the context, culture, events … What changes is the “wrapping,” but on the “inside” it is always God’s unconditional and merciful plan of love for us all. “In calling you, God says, ‘You are important to me, I love you, I count on you.’ This is what Jesus says to each one of us! That’s where joy is born!–the joy of that moment when Jesus looked at me. To understand and feel this, is the secret of our joy. To feel loved by God, to feel that for God we are not numbers but individuals; and to feel that it is God who calls us.” (Pope Francis) Jesus’ words come spontaneously to mind: “It is…
Afrika – Quebec
AFRIKA-QUEBEC intercultural meeting Expo: September 26 to October 16, 2015 Africa Quebec AFRIKA-QUEBEC: the story of a long-lasting friendship Women and men of Quebec, in Africa: In 1901, the Missionaries of Africa (known as the White Fathers), and in 1903, the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (known as the White Sisters), opened their first house in Quebec City, rue des Remparts. Very soon, some young women and men of Quebec chose the missionary life and left Quebec to go to Africa. A large number have spent their whole life there, others several years. Today, we still see them serving in several African countries. Those who are back in Canada have a message for us: «In Africa, we have been warmly welcomed. We have learned the local language, the history of the country; we even danced to the rhythm of the drum. We were introduced…
Bukavu, RCD session “The joy of the Gospel”
Begun on July 13th and finished on the 17th, our session gathered 27 students of the third year in Secondary School, for the State diploma. “The Joy of the Gospel” was visible on the faces of the young people and the sisters. This theme of the encyclical of Pope Francis was presented the first day of our session. The next days it was Vocation in the Bible and our Charism. A morning of spiritual recollection and individual accompaniment preceded the Eucharist of “sending” and the festive evening. The three sisters of our community of Kadutu : Christine Tubiangalie, Christine Bahati Safi and Bouda Julienne were involved in the preparations and in the activities of the session. Some points were highlighted by the participants in their evaluation: They especially emphasized our joy, expressed by the testimonies of our apostolic commitments, our sisterhood / brotherhood and our…
The Sancta Maria prayer
The Sancta Maria prayer.This is a very ancient hymn sung by the sisters, Fathers and Brothers the Missionaries of Africa – White Sisters and White Fathers,during our family celebrations. This hymn is from the time of St Augustine. A hundred and fifty years ago the Christians of Algeria sang it; Cardinal Lavigerie loved it and he shared it with his missionaries. Since the beginning of the Congregation, Sisters entrust their mission to Mary,singing this hymn. Formerly at the mother house in Algiers sisters met every evening around the statue of Mary to sing the Sancta Maria. Today, this hymn is fervently repeated by all generations of Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa during our family celebrations: religious profession, jubilees, gatherings … Holy Mary, Help the afflicted Aid the faint-hearted Comfort the sorrowing Pray for the people Intercede for the clergy Plead for women consecrated to God May all…
Prayer to Our Lady of Africa
Our Lady of Africa, mother of the human family, Be mindful of your African children, at home or dispersed on other continents. You who are full of grace, look upon all those who do not know Jesus, the Son sent by the Father. May his light draw them and make them receptive to the gift of Faith. You, who are one with Christ In suffering and in glory, Be mindful of those assailed by trials, That they may discover His liberating Passover, and live by it in hope. You who turned to Jesus When the wine of joy ran out Be mindful of peoples in distress, That justice and peace may prevail In a united world where Charity reigns. You who, in the midst of the Apostles, Received the breath of the Spirit Be mindful of the apostles of today. May they announce the Word with assurance And proclaim it…
Migrants in the Algerian desert
Already two weeks ago I wanted to write something about a particular adventure – an adventure about migration; an adventure about human encounter. It is still possible to have beautiful encounters, free encounters, transforming encounters. Ghardaia, November 2013, the first hints of rain, little drizzles in the evening. The day is sunny and fresh, otherwise cold! The small desert offers its stones to the sun’s rays as if to suck the heat and keep it for the nights, already difficult to bear without shelter. The Algerian cities have been visited for the past year by unusual people, women and children from the south, begging by day, disappearing at night. At first like the war-refugees from Mali, then recognized as Nigerians, their presence questioned, sometimes disturbing, often leading to compassion. Algerian Associations mobilize quickly to bring them food, especially when cold attacks these scantily clad people. Some newspapers write about them.…
“I am proud…” 1910-2012 Burkina Faso
The Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa and BURKINA FASO : 100 years of shared history, 1912-2012 ! “I am proud … Before beginning, I would like to thank God for all the benefits received in Burkina Faso and throughout Africa through this dynamic Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa. I am moved by a feeling of joy and above all gratitude. The Lord has done great things for us, and Holy is his name. Yes, what joy for me as a Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa novice and a Burkinabe to live this event so important for our Congregation and for the whole Church-Family of Burkina Faso. It was really a surprise and an honor to wear the habit of the Sisters of the past and to ride a horse! I was representing one of the 8 sisters who agreed…