Holy Spirit, You who put in our hearts
a passion for God, for Africa and for all humanity,
Look upon us,
Revive in us the ardor of Cardinal Lavigerie
and our first sisters,
so that our preparation for the next Chapter will be as you desire.
Help us to accept our fears,
our uncertainties, our failures and our sorrows.
May hope lead us beyond our borders!
May it allow us to dream and dare the unthinkable!
Give us the vision and freedom of heart needed
to accept lucidly and humbly
the Mission you want to entrust to us
for the coming of your Kingdom
in the world today.
Grant us the grace to commit ourselves
all together,
and each one personally with our whole being
to the service of our sisters and brothers
who live in the peripheries of our societies.
Keep us attentive to your voice,
confident that our hope will not be disappointed.
Mary, Our Lady of Africa, be with us.
Chapter 2017, a logo : A logo as a sign of Hope !