Tag Archives: White Sisters

    Sr. Bernadette Djekoye for the community   On December 26, our sisters from the communities of Oran and Algiers courageously set off for Ghardaïa where we were impatiently waiting for them. We welcomed them with great joy. It had been so long since almost all of us had had the opportunity to meet. On the morning of the 27th, we celebrated the Eucharist in our community, presided over by one of our brothers of the Missionaries of Africa. After a good breakfast, we set off for Sebseb where we were able to live our time of sharing about our mission as MSOLA in the M’Zab Valley, in Ghardaïa. Along the way, we discovered this environment until our destination. We had a very warm welcome in this desert place, with beautiful tents. We were even able to have a room to ourselves all day. It was at this time…

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    From Sr. Iwona Cholewinska, La Marsa, Tunisia   A deep conviction that has accompanied me since my novitiate is that we, the MSOLA, have a spirituality of our own. I would like to look at it in its three dimensions: interior, horizontal and vertical, by joining the definition of Delia Mamon. For her, spirituality is “the connection to one’s inner being, to others, to the whole, including to that which surpasses us.” Our MSOLA spirituality is first of all the spirituality of the personal relationship with the Lord. It is nourished by Ignatian Spirituality which leads us with its many means to the deepening of this relationship and leads us to a true experience of Life. Our MSOLA Spirituality is enriched by certain aspects of African Spirituality which recognize the sacred character of life and a deep connection with its source. The Ubuntu philosophy and its adage “I am…

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