The vocation group at the parish of Nouakchott
From our sister Mia Dombrecht, in Nouakchott, Mauritania This pastoral year, the parish vocational group chose “Burning Hearts, Walking Feet” as the theme for Mission Sunday in October 2023. At the start of the pastoral year, we met to listen to the young people’s interests and the topics they would like to cover throughout the year. A meditation on the call of young Samuel opened the year. In November, we organized a recollection by the sea to share on the year’s theme and on the Gospel of the Emmaus pilgrims. We tackled the subject of the missionary vocation. A diocesan priest and sisters from three missionary congregations were present to mentor around ten young people. In December, through sketches linked to the mystery of the Incarnation, the young people presented different texts from the Gospel. At the end, each one of them shared in a very moving way…
God’s dream became mine
Sr. Flora Ridder shares the Final Commitment of Sr. Magdalena Orczykowska on Sunday 21st April 2024 in the parish of St. Anthony the Abbot, Mẹcina, Poland On Friday afternoon the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa set off from Lublin to Mẹcina, the home village of Sr. Magdalena. There she prepared to make her perpetual vows on Sunday. The two entity leaders of Euro-America Sisters Marceline Nemeyitora and Maite Sanz de Pablo, Sr. Mamaalifar from Rome and Sr. Flora from Germany joined the sisters of Lublin for the celebration. In the village we were heartily welcomed by the parents and the sister of Sr. Magdalena. The uncle had put his house, next to the parents’ house, at the disposition of the sisters who, sharing rooms, all found accommodation. The meals were shared in the parents’ house. They were times of sharing, getting to know one another…
Gathering the fruits of our pilgrimage of Juniorate
Pilgrimage in the footsteps of Cardinal Lavigerie: Sr. Magdalena Orczykowska, Sr. Julia Alonso Martinez (animator), Sr. Iwona Cholewińska, Sr. Kandongo Kibole Yollande, Sr. Marietha Asimwe Joakim Rupia At the end of the Juniorate our sisters share their experience: At the end of this important and very profound journey, which is the beginning of another one, with Mary and with all of you who have been with me physically and spiritually, who have encouraged me and supported me on this journey of transformation, I turn to God as I say: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my saviour. For he has looked upon his handmaid’s lowliness. The Mighty one has done great things for me, holy is his name. His mercy is from age to age.” I am grateful to the Congregation which gave me this opportunity to grow, to…
Youth Is the Future
From Sr. Keneema Anosiata, Kinshasa Yolo, R. D. Congo It is a great joy for us to share with you our experience of Missionary and Vocation Animation here in Kinshasa. Indeed, we give thanks to the Lord who continues to send us young people to discern their religious vocation through our congregation. We see that the Holy Spirit is at work, because youth is the future. During 2023, we welcomed and journeyed with several girls. Some of them have come to know our congregation through our apostolic collaborators, others through social networks such as Facebook and our website. On this point, we would like to say a special thank you to Sister Amani who has never ceased to put us in contact with girls who ask her questions on Facebook about their missionary vocational journey. Others have come to know us through the testimonies of some of…
My efforts for MVA
Sr. Francine Maas, Winooski, United States Missionary and Vocational Animation continues through all of our lives to be an essential aspect of our Missionary Call. However, according to me, it takes on a different appearance in the living out of our lives. Now, in my senior years, more than ever I sense the call to be mission in all that I am and do. I pray that at least some of the elderly individuals with whom I live and the members of our staff will be touched by Jesus through me. This is Mission!!! As far as vocational animation goes, to tell you the truth, as the youngest American MSOLA, at 77 years of age, I will not do vocational animation in the hopes that young American women might join the congregation. However, if one would “knock upon our door”, I would welcome her, listen to her and explain…
Life stories of the MSOLA from Boxtel
Life stories of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (White Sisters) from Boxtel (The Neatherlands). For the new KRO-NCRV programme Anita in the Mission. Anita Witzier is fascinated by the adventurous lives these women led: standing up for the very weakest under the most difficult circumstances. They were young women when they make the journey to Africa full of ideals. Driven by faith, determined to make the world a better place. They build schools and run hospitals… The second part of the film is coming soon.
A novice participates in the vows of five sisters
I would like to share with you, dear readers, what I experienced during the preparations and the day of the celebration in a few words. On the 8 October, I participated in the first religious profession of our 4 sisters: Clementine Hanyie and Neema Kavugho Kyuma from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sylvane Roumaba from Burkina Faso, Xaverine Mukasinga from Rwanda. The same day Sister Agnieszka Lyskawinska transfered to our Congregation from Poland and made her perpetual vows. A few days before the celebration, we had the joy of welcoming our sisters from Ghana, Mauritania, Mali and Ouagadougou. You can imagine the joy of reunion. The house was lively. On the day of the celebration and especially during the homily, I was touched by the questions asked by the main celebrant, Father Jean Michel Laurent Missionary of Africa: “Which missionary do I desire and would like to be? Which missionary…
Testimonies from the “Come and see” in Rwanda
In Rwanda there were two sessions of “Come and see” and here we share three comments from the participant. The first two testimonies are from Butare and the third from Kigali. “Dear sisters! Receive our greetings from Rwanda in Butare community! We are very grateful to God for the warm welcoming we received from the sisters, the joy and happiness we have experienced with them. We were touched by their openness during the three days of session. We were also happy to see them living together from different countries, cultures and with different ages. This increased our desire to continue Journeying with the sisters and to join them. We were seven young women. We finished our S6 this year and we are waiting for the result. Care for us in your prayers. Each one of us was very touched by the MSOLA Charism and apostolic work, like working against Human…
“Come and see” in Kigali – Rwanda
The disciples asked Jesus, “Where do you live?” He said, “Come and see.” (John 1:38-39) The Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Africa, are inviting young women who finished their secondary school or university for a discerning vocational session which will take place in Rwanda at the Cathedral of Butare in the community of the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa. The session will start from 25/08/2022 (evening) up to 28/08/2022 (morning). This session will give you an opportunity to pray with sisters and other young women who are discerning their call. It will help you to know more about our charisma, spirituality and our mission, it will help you to have your questions answered. Requirements : Your Desire to pray with us and discern your call; Come with your bible, a pen and a notebook. And all things needed for you during the three days. Please do not…
“Come and see” in Kigali – Rwanda
The disciples asked Jesus, “Where do you live?” He said, “Come and see.” (John 1:38-39) The Missionary Sisters of our Lady of Africa, are inviting young ladies from form 4 and form 5 secondary school who are interested in discerning their vocation and who wish know our congregation ,to a vocation session in Kigali Rwanda. The session will start from 02/08/2022 up to 05/08/2022 at the Missionary of Africa center in Kigali, which is near Sainte Family Catholic . This session will give you an opportunity to pray with sisters and other young ladies who are discerning their call. It will help you to know more about our charism, spirituality and our mission, it will help you to have your questions answered . Requirement : Your Desir to pray with us and discern your call; Come with your bible, a pen and a notebook. And all things needed for you…