I would like to share with you, dear readers, what I experienced during the preparations and the day of the celebration in a few words. On the 8 October, I participated in the first religious profession of our 4 sisters: Clementine Hanyie and Neema Kavugho Kyuma from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sylvane Roumaba from Burkina Faso, Xaverine Mukasinga from Rwanda.
The same day Sister Agnieszka Lyskawinska transfered to our Congregation from Poland and made her perpetual vows.
A few days before the celebration, we had the joy of welcoming our sisters from Ghana, Mauritania, Mali and Ouagadougou. You can imagine the joy of reunion. The house was lively.
On the day of the celebration and especially during the homily, I was touched by the questions asked by the main celebrant, Father Jean Michel Laurent Missionary of Africa: “Which missionary do I desire and would like to be? Which missionary do I want to become? To be a missionary is to agree to be sent wherever God wants me to witness. Before thinking of converting others, I must begin by converting myself. It’s easy to tell others to convert and forget to start with yourself.”
I understood that to be a missionary is to be converted every day. It was a great joy for me to participate and attend this profession, because I also want to be a Missionary Sister of Our Lady of Africa. I realized and learned that day that being a missionary also means valuing the collaboration with others. I am sent with the others, not alone.
May the Holy Spirit accompany our five sisters in their mission. Good mission to them!
Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Ancille Ugabinema, Novice MSOLA in Bobo-Dioulasso