to the community.
Visiting the prison
Once a month, Anafrida Biro goes to the prison to accompany the prisoners and pray with them. The prisoners who need someone to talk to wait for her with joy.
With the homeless
Once a week Ania helps at the Volunteer Center, where a warm meal is given to the homeless, former prisoners and people who are in a difficult situation.
On human trafficking
We invited a policeman working in the human trafficking department to tell us about human trafficking in our region. It was good because there are few reports on the issue.
Ania Wójcik has participated in a training workshop on « Evangelization- street safety rules, dealing with conflict situations » organized by the Bakhita network in Katowice.
Migrants and encounter of religions and cultures
During one of the Missionary Saturdays meeting for young girls, Anafrida invited 2 Muslim African students of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, to talk to the Polish youth on the pillars of Islam and the meaning of prayer for Muslims.
Last Christmas a professor from the Catholic University of Lublin asked us to help a few African students, Christians and Muslims mainly from Nigeria, who had been a short time in Lublin and knew neither the language nor anyone with whom to spend Christmas. Answering his request, we invited them for Christmas and we got to know one another.
The community has helped some foreigners staying at the Volunteer Center in Lublin, and some foreign religious: Missionaries of Africa, SVD Fathers, FMM sisters, by giving them talks on Polish culture and church, in order to help their integration in the Polish society and church.
Last March we organized in our house a recollection in English for African students. Two from Zimbabwe and one from Tanzania joined the recollection.
We observe an important increase of foreign students in Lublin, including many Africans from Zimbabwe, Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria. They need help to learn Polish, to enter the Polish culture and to integrate in Polish society. Sometimes they just need to talk… We are concerned about that and we are reflecting on what we could do as community to answer those needs in this changing situation.
MSOLA, Lublin community (Poland)