“Sister Claire-Michelle, you have been a Link! »
Interview of Sr. Claire-Michelle by Sr. Nicole Robion It was Easter Sunday. Claire-Michelle recounts what she experienced that afternoon. In November 2019, a friend of the “Live and Love” movement, from Palaiseau, told me: “A Syrian family has arrived in Verrières, housed by the town hall. Can you contact them? » I thought to myself that she really had a high idea of what I could do! Did she naively think that I was able to take care of them? The accommodation of the host family was a 15-minute walk from Maison St Charles where I live. I went to see them on December 14, 2019. They were sleeping on mattresses. I found the husband, wife and a little girl of school age and a young child walking on all fours. We spoke in English. He was a journalist in Syria. I invited them to visit us in St Charles.…