Towards Integral Ecology
In December 2022 many sisters and communities from the 2 African entities participated together in the webinar on the Journey to Integral Ecology (JIE). Sr. Begoña presented the point we have reached on this Journey, inviting us to go further. She proposed elements of Ignatian spirituality and of African tradition that can help us to include the ecological aspect in our apostolic Ignatian spirituality. We continued with the new ecological vision, the sacredness of all created beings and our human responsibility to care for the Earth, our common home. The process of ecological conversion demands of us to transform all our relationships and our lifestyle, doing without what is superfluous, “living simply so that others can simply live”. The ecological spirituality makes us aware of our communion with nature and the spiritual connection between humans and all beings of the Earth. It opens us to contemplate nature and to…