Daily Archives: March 29, 2023

    The MSOLA as experienced by a young woman in a silent retreat in Lublin Poland. The White Sisters in Lublin, Poland, started December quite busily! On Friday evening 2nd December, we 3 young women made ourselves at home in their house, beginning a 3-day retreat in silence. The theme of the recollection was taken from the 43rd chapter of Isaiah, in which the Lord explicitly says – “You are precious in my eyes and I love you!” Shortly after our arrival, in order to better prepare ourselves for the upcoming meditations, we familiarised ourselves with the retreat schedule and, later that evening, we were invited to enter into silence. Of course, the norm in this situation is to completely disconnect from all electronic devices and other appealing things such as books or the on-going World Cup. We greeted Saturday morning with a breakfast in silence, after which we…

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