Sister Joselyne Nisingizwe of our Tchad community, accompanied the young people of the vocation group to the Diocesan Vocation Camp in Doguindi. Here is what she shares with us about this experience.
This year we had 116 young people! The theme of this camp was: ‘Youth, be witnesses of Christ’s hope in today’s world’. I thank God for this experience with young people.
After noticing the evil that invades the world, we saw together how we can live in hope. By referring to the Holy Scriptures, we have seen some characters who are models of hope. Abraham is an example. The book of Genesis retraces the significant events in the life of Abraham before the sacrifice of his son.
In the New Testament, the story of the widowed woman who had only one son (Lk 7:11-12), shows us that even if evil exists in the world, it does not have the last word on us.
Jesus has the last word.
The invitation is that we must always rely on God by putting all our hope in Him. Among the apostles, we take Peter as a model of Hope because he became a witness of Christ even unto death. In his first letter, he asks us to always be ready to justify, testify and give reason for our HOPE.
Indeed, our hope is based on faith in the risen Jesus. It is alive because it comes from a living, risen Savior. When hope is alive in the soul, it enables us to live without despair whatever the situation we find ourselves in.
At this meeting, I had the opportunity to do vocation-animation with young people. I was happy to see that some of the young people were interested in getting to know our congregation.