From October 13 to 16, the pre-novices (from left) Mbaihamdéné Valérie, Cyarisima Divine, Kwatemba Kuyonzo Wilkista Agripina, Jovanie Nitunga, and Nodjitelsemba Solange went to Mater Christi for their retreat in preparation for the official start of the novitiate, which is a very important stage in religious training. They were accompanied by Sister Furaha Kamanyula who led their retreat. They arrived all happy and the community was happy to welcome them.
October 18 was the day of the official return to the novitiate and the entry into heaven of Mother Marie Salomé; I was touched by the organization of the community which made a beautiful feast. Each of us gave the best of ourselves in the preparations. Our brothers the Missionaries of Africa came with their novices to pray with us.
The Eucharistic celebration was celebrated by Fr. Emmanuel, M.Afr. In his homily, he told us that he did not know why the official start of the novitiate at the MSOLA is still scheduled for October 18. It was from there that he learned that it was the day of the birth of Mother Marie Salomé into heaven, and he said that despite 93 years since her death, young people still want to continue to experience what she experienced.
He also invited us not to forget “the unconditional love of Christ” and that the novitiate is a testing stage and a very important stage in religious life. At the time of the presentation of the symbols I was touched to realize the fact that we were all marked by the first text of our meditation during the retreat “Come just as you are; that is how I want you; this is how I love you.”
The Constitutions and Capitular Acts that I received show my total belonging to the congregation and this was a source of joy for me on this day. The sharing after mass was simple but very meaningful. I am very grateful to God who guided me and still guides me on his path. I am also grateful to the congregation which welcomes me and still gives me the opportunity to continue to discern my vocation in this stage of the novitiate.
Thanks to the community who will help me on this path. Let us pray for one another. Thank you!
Valérie Mbaihamdéné