Our novice, Divine Cyrisma, shares her joy for the End of Ramadan Feast
April 10, the date marking the breaking of the fast in the month of Ramadan, was a day of celebration for our Muslim brothers and sisters. I learned that for Muslims, Eid el-Fitr is, above all, a celebration of sharing and solidarity, and this is what our Muslim friends’ families concretely confirmed by inviting us to share with them the joy of this celebration.
That day, in our community, we divided ourselves into two groups to join all the families who invited us for the occasion.
Being invited by Muslims to their celebrations for us Christians, especially for us the Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa, is very significant.
This desire reflects the relationships of proximity, respect for the faith of others that exist between people of different religious faiths. It was an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of friendship, complementarity and living together in peace and social cohesion.
It is in line with our charism which invites us to love everyone unconditionally.
In every family we were very well received. We invoked the blessings of Allah. Then good food, enough for all the visitors, was served to us. Among the families visited, there was that of our sister Joan of Arc who awaits us every year as is tradition.
People were very happy and grateful to have us in their families. We too were grateful for having shared these moments of joy with them.